When I was a child, growing up in Germany, on the evening of December 5th, we would shine our biggest, tallest pair of boots and put them by the front door – along with our Christmas wish list. While we slept, St. Nikolaus would come and retrieve our wish list – and then fill our boots with small gifts, candy, nuts and oranges (as much as would fit into our boots).
Yet beyond the boots full of gifts, the most important part to me was that St Nikolaus was picking up my Christmas wish list to take it to the fairy-like or angel-like “Christkind”, who would then deliver presents on Christmas Eve, 24-Dec.
I remember looking forward to writing that list, and the anticipation: would the “Christkind” find me deserving of what I wished for? Had I been “good” that year? I remember negotiating my “deserving”, at least in my thoughts, weighing the mistakes of the preceding year against the good deeds and making a case for my wishes.
To this day I feel this urge of making my wish list, as soon as December and the Holiday season comes. My list looks a little different nowadays, but I still feel its power and magic – there is something magical about this childlike and playful way of tending to my wishes and dreams… it allows me to expect and anticipate miracles, to think outside the box (or imagine if there was no box). It feels so much better – and more doable – to look at wishes this way than making a “bucket list”, set “goals”, “intentions” or “New Years Resolutions” – uggh, those feel so heavy in comparison….
So here is this year’s Holiday inquiry that leads me to creating my magic and miracles for 2018:
What went well this year?
(A sense of gratitude is the best starting point for me to dream and wish from…)
What do I REALLY wish for, hope for, dream of?
(Think outside the box! What might be possible if there were no box?)
For some of you this question might draw a blank, or feel outright scary (“I don’t know what I really want”) – that’s ok! This was the scariest question for me for a long time… What helped me was, breaking it down into smaller pieces: first, go back to your gratitudes and then start your inquiry with these questions:
- What do I want MORE of?
- What do I want LESS of?
- What/who am I envious of? (Envy can be a positive agent and energy for inspiration, if you allow it…)
In order to create what I REALLY wish for – what am I now no longer willing to tolerate – and what am I willing to commit to instead?
And what actions will I now take in order to align myself with my new commitments towards my wish/dream/hope?
Different kind of list, right? Mine is very inspiring, and it’s already moving me to make different choices about how I fill my time, my plate (literally and figuratively speaking), my mind, my heart – my soul… Each choice that I make in this way contributes to creating the conditions for the miracles that I wish for to happen… I feel focused, clear and excited about what I wish, and intend to create in 2018.
I wish all of you a wonderful Holiday, a sense of gratitude, clarity, joy and forward momentum for 2018. And, of course: Much Love!
So what’s on your holiday wish list this year?